Our Life Scripture

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

A Good Day!

Today I'm thankful! I'm thankful for my salvation, my husband, my children, my church, my friends.....I press onward to the ultimate goal, eternity with my Savior! How can I not be thankful with that prize in sight!! My eyes are fixed..watch out satan!! Hope my friends and family are thankful today?!! Love, Amy

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Satan better watch out.....Alot of people are lifting this church up in prayer. We have been so blessed and thankful to be able to keep up with the Taylors through the years, also Abby, Caleb, Colton, Jodi W. They come to Vero every couple months!! But just know there are people in Vero Beach lifting your church up in prayer. We really care and are encouraged by what God has in store. Ohhhh and before I forget, you may know her but we had a new lady start coming to our bible study/ church here in Vero named Ann Cockcroft Bateman =) She is from Sebring. Graduated high school there and attended First Baptist. We know all of the same people, lol. She said either her father-in-law or her dad, someone use to be the pastor there at First Baptist? I have really enjoyed getting to know her, we went to lunch and walked the beach the other day. Great lady, small world. Anyways, glad to see you on here so we can keep in touch. I am new to blogging so we will see how it lasts, lol. Have a blessed week!!!!