Our Life Scripture

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6

Sunday, September 21, 2008

A Sad Day

Today our senior pastor, through a written statement, retired from the ministry and from our church family. There were tears by some, gasps from many and confusion through-out our congregation. Serving on the personnel committee, I knew this was coming, but it was still a shock. So what happens now....God knows and was not shocked AT ALL! He is the head of our church, of His church, and He has a plan! He wants unity in His church (Ps 133, Phil. 2:1, Eph 4:3). Let's unite through praying for the future pastor God has chosen to serve First Baptist Church Sebring and his family, praying for the ones who God has selected to find this pastor, praying for the pastoral staff - Joe and David - as they assist God in this unity, praying for our committee members that assist in the decisions of the church, praying that God will comfort us - the flock. Revival can start today.....if we are obedient to Him. Revive us Lord, make us new - foreign to this world. This is my desire, to be used by Him and united with His church. "On Christ the solid Rock I stand, all other ground is seeking sand, all other ground is seeking sand"! Amy


The Gotsch Family said...

I am with you. Use me Lord!!

Our Happy Little Family said...

Amen!! Pray, pray, pray!!! Let us seek God's will and fix our eyes on him. Hebrews 12.

Allison Twigg said...

This is a time for unity, not division. We will be praying that everyone will come together to glorify God. May only God's will be sought after. I love this church. I know that many will be on their knees daily. I pray that you will take time....time to hear what God wants and not what people want. You are loved!!!! We are praying for you.