Our Life Scripture

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6

Friday, March 6, 2009

Just Follow....

There are small concerns in my life (small stressors..I'm fine mom!) that at times overwhelm me. Not all of them have to do with me but of the health and salvation of others. Our church group continues to be tested....hopefully for refining, but at times through lots of hurt.

Now, my self keeps saying "Lord, show me how this will work out....right now...please." But, I keep hearing..."just follow". I've shared this with a couple of people and how frustrating it is and at times I am.

My spirit has been reminded - thank you Holy Spirit! - through the Word this morning...

"You are to walk by faith, no longer by sight...remain FAITHFULLY focused on Me....follow Me and not your own understanding....don't WORRY about tomorrow, it is certainly enough to simply follow ME today!"

What promises...what relief! Amy


Allison Twigg said...

Praying for you....
I read the same scripture yesterday. :)
Please let us know if there is anything specific we can pray for.

Pat and Nancy said...

This is from Mom who has had 'blog problems' and is just now catching up....thanks for the head's up in the first sentence!! And thanks for the message.....It's in our DNA to worry....even thought God has to remind us over and over not to....I'm so proud of you for listening to His message of peace again and again....love you...Mom