Well, I just got back from a week of mission work, fellowshipping (is that a word?) with my AWESOME youth group, meeting some amazing kids from N.C. and TX and GA - they were my work crew and we were named the Stone Rollers, but we built decks and landscaped?!? -, and listening to God. (I didn't take my camera so ...sorry, no pics) We worked in B'ham, AL (my home town!) in the VERY low income and high crime area (but we were
very safe youth parents, if you're reading this:).
What I learned MOST this week, is that God wants you to be about HIS business. He wants us to
show HIS love, and it might have to cost us something i.e.
our time,
our money, and even
our sweat - which all belong to Him anyway! He created us to worship and serve Him.
It's really not about us,
it's about HIM. I want to encourage whoever is reading this, to try to take time at the end of EACH day and assess how you served Him that day. I say daily, because it is so easy to be a "luke-warm" christian and God ain't about that!! This will be a challenge for me too! I also learned that God is sending Revival through our youth!! Satan better watch out!
1 John 1:5 "God is light; in Him there is
no darkness, at all." God bless you and may your
daily walk with Him be bright and sunny!! Amy